Résumé :
The hiring of a new secretary shouldn?t be a big deal - just a slight a change in the office environment. But for the protagonist of this novel, it is a declaration of war, a call to arms : - The new secretary has only been here two days,- she says, -and I?m already talking about evil, a word I shouldn?t even be using arming myself for battle and choosing my weapons. - Her quiet life of sacrifice and service has been rudely disrupted by the new hire, and she is not - despite the advice of her doctor, her neighbors, and her daughter - about to leave it at that. Instead, sabotage, alcohol, and kindness become the arsenal in a conflict fought across copy rooms and office parties. But the humor is undercut by a sadness, a sense of defeat that makes this slim novel resonate with the injustice of our increasingly impersonal, corporate world.